A measurement amplifier circuit is designed, which consists of circuits of differential amplifier, a common-mode rejection, double-end and single-end conversions and programmed gain amplifier. 设计了一个测量放大器电路,它由差动放大电路、共模抑制电路、双端单端转换电路和程控增益放大电路组成。
The main design work as follow: the former disposal circuits were designed, and the circuit possesses very high input resistance, common-mode rejection and voltage gain; 具体设计内容包括:设计具有输入阻抗大、高增益和高共模抑制比的脑电信号调理电路;
Some low-supply voltage reference required amplifier which have wide input common-mode range, a low supply voltage Rail-to-Rail Constant gain amplifier which based on dynamic bias method has been carried out, and a curcuit has been designed. 在一些低供电电压基准电压源结构中需用到宽输入共模范围的放大器,本文提出了一种能工作于低供电电压下的基于动态偏置的Rail-to-Rail恒定增益放大方法,并进行了电路实现。